Monday, July 13, 2009

SMK MOHD KHALID...overcomes mental block...

JOHOR BAHRU: It was a “mental block” start but that did not hold the SMK Mohd Khalid team back from winning the upper secondary category of the RHB-The Star Mighty Minds Challenge here yesterday.
The team – comprising M. Sooriya Kumar, C. Sathesh and Izzuddin Ismail – made the cut to represent Johor at the national-level contest in Kuala Lumpur next month.
Sooriya said the team only got its act together in the last 10 minutes of the second stage and managed to construct the required sliding projector.
“We remembered what our Physics teacher taught us and used our imagination to build it. We recovered from our earlier setback and did our best,” he said, describing the win as a “miracle”.
He said the win had given the team the courage to go to Kuala Lumpur and win at the national level.




Tuesday, July 7, 2009

5 Tips Building Your Child Self-Esteem

1. BE GENEROUS WITH PRAISE - Parents must develop the habit of looking for situations in which children are doing good jobs, displaying talents, or demonstrating positive character traits. Remember to praise children for jobs well done and for effort.

2. TEACH POSITIVE SELF-STATEMENTS- It is important for parents to redirect children's inaccurate or negative beliefs about themselves and to teach them how to think in positive ways.

3. AVOID CRITICISM that takes the form of ridicule or shame. Blame and negative judgements are at the core of poor self-esteem and can lead to emotional disorders.

4. TEACH CHILDREN ABOUT DECISION MAKING and to recognize when they have made good decisions. Let them 'own' their problems. if they solve them, they gain confidence in themselves. if you solve them, they'll remain dependent on you. take the time to answer questions.Help children think of alternative options.

5. SHOW CHILDREN THAT YOU CAN LAUGH AT YOURSELF. Show them that life doesn't need to be serious all the time and that some teasing is all in fun. your sense of humor is important for their well-being.

source:SAMSHA's National Mental Health Information Center.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Antidadah Week Winners....

Teacher Nurul pun menang!!!WHAT A BIG SURPRISE...!CONGRATS...
Proud of you my dear students....

Hmm....setelah tertangguh beberapa ketika, akhirnya hari ni dapat juga disempurnakan penyampaian hadiah untuk pertandingan-pertandingan sempena Minggu Antidadah 09..wah..tersenyum lebar semua dapat trofi dan sijil....yang surprise pun ada bila diumumkan penerima anugerah kategori guru...tq kepada semua yang telah menyertai dan memeriahkan M.A.D tahun ini...mudah-mudahan tahun depan dapat diadakan lebih banyak aktiviti yang fun and exciting...once again...congratulation to all the winners....


pamplet yang disediakan oleh Unit Kaunseling tentang peranan ibu bapa..semoga dapat difahami dan dipraktikkan...

Pada 4 Julai yang lalu, telah diadakan Hari Terbuka SMKMK...Nampaknya kehadiran ibu bapa sangat baik dan menggalakkan...Tahniah dan Syabas...Para guru juga kelihatan gembira dan teruja kerana dapat berbincang dari hati ke hati dengan ibu bapa pelajar berkenaan masalah yang dihadapi oleh anak-anak mereka...Semoga segala usaha dan kerjasama erat ini akan membuahkan hasil yang cemerlang untuk anak-anak khasnya calon PMR dan SPM.. Dalam sesi ini juga, pihak sekolah berkesempatan membentangkan audit akademik Ting.3 dan 5 berdasarkan headcount pelajar untuk tahun ini bagi menilai tahap pencapaian dan sasaran dalam peperiksaan sebenar nanti...Semoga berkat doa ibu bapa dan guru-guru, calon-calon PMR dan SPM dapat mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang seperti mana sasaran pihak sekolah...YAKIN BOLEH!!!!

wajah-wajah ceria penerima anugerah PERFECT SCORE dalam Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Setara 2009...CONGRATS!!